Easter Dessert Recipes

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Easter Dessert Recipes help make Easter a magical time of year! Nothing soothes the heart more than a taste of Mom’s cooking and baking and the laughter and fun of Easter Egg hunts and the joy of family gatherings. When the kids are young, the excitement of hunting eggs and baskets of goodies from the Easter Bunny.  Easter Dessert Recipes and the Scents of Ham, nut rolls and coconut cream pies waver through the house and tease the pallet!  Memories are made at times like this!  Snapshots of happy times fill your albums and create permanent reminders for lifelong pondering!  REGISTER ON RIGHT IF YOU WANT MORE GOOD RECIPES!

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I love reminiscing with old pictures of those family gatherings! The pictures and the harmonious smells of bread and ham baking can really transport me back to those days! I love replicating many of my Mother’s special recipes. When my kids were little, my Mother would visit for three weeks before a holiday to help bake and prepare for the holidays. Oh, how I miss all those members we have lost through the years!  What fun times we had!  I am sharing a few of her ethnic recipes here for you to enjoy. They can be made ahead since they freeze well. Also check here for Easter Candy and gifts for Moms and wives!  Here are two Easter Dessert Recipes that we make every Easter and Christmas:

Hungarian Kifels:

Ingredients:  1/2 lb. Philadelphia Cream Cheese;  1/2 lb. butter; 2 cups flour.  Mix well. Cut dough in 4 quarters, Refrigerate overnight.  (Enjoy a glass of wine)

Roll 1 quarter at a time. Cut in 2 inch squares. Spread 1/4 teasp. of filling on ea. square and fold one tip of square over opposite tip using a drop of milk on both tips to seal (fold like an envelope). Set on a parchment covered cookie tray until two trays are full, then roll each lightly in granulated sugar and replace on tray. Bake 375 for 16 – 20 minutes or until lightly browned.  (Enjoy a glass of wine)

If You Make ahead:

When cool, they can be frozen in a plastic container and layered between parchment paper.  Fillings should be Fruit butters – (Apricot, Nut, Prune, Raspberry). (Raspberry and Prune will run and kifel will open if more than 1/4 teasp. of  filling used)  These are a real delicacy. Dust lightly with powdered sugar only when serving.

Hungarian Nut or Poppyseed Rolls:

6 cups Flour; 1 teasp. salt; 1/2 lb. butter; 3 tblsp. sugar; 3 eggs; 1/2 pint sour cream; 2 yeast pkgs.; 1/2 cup warm (not hot) milk. Combine all ingredients except not milk & yeast.  Add milk to yeast and mix until dissolved. Then add this mixture thoroughly to dough. (Is your glass empty?)

Divide dough in 4.  Roll each one the length of your cookie sheet and Spread with Nut OR  Poppyseed Mixture. (See below)  Roll like jelly roll tucking in the two ends of each roll. Place on greased pan, cover with towel and allow to rise until doubled. (2 to 3 hours)  Cover roll with egg wash before baking at 350 oven for 35 to 40 minutes or until nicely browned. 

(Time for a glass of wine)

Nut Roll Filling:

1/2 cup milk;  3/4 cup sugar; 1 lb. ground walnuts.  Cook this mixture on low until boiling and thick.  You can also add crushed , well-drained pineapple sparingly to nuts for variety.

Poppyseed Filling:  1/2 lb. poppy seed; 3/4 cup milk; 1 beaten egg; 3/4 cup sugar. Mix & cook on low 10 min. until at boiling point and thick.   Cool & spread on rolled out dough the same as noted above.  Let rise until doubled and spread with egg wash before baking. Coconut and a little sugar can be lightly sprinkled over poppyseed before rolling, for variety.  (Enjoy a glass of wine)

The perfect pairing to Nut Rolls and Kifels after Easter Dinner is a sweet, strong wine to accent the end of a perfect meal!