Health and Fitness – Everything you need for good health and energy you can find on this site. Most important to keeping fit and healthy is to take care of the engine that drives the body: your Brain. Stay sharp and alert and protect it daily! When your brain is healthy, your body responds positively. Do everything possible to prevent mental decline. We want to keep you fit for as long as you live. Of course, take commonsense precautions for your health without becoming paranoid. Our searches uncover the best products out there and we bring them to you. Here are pages you can find in this category:
Alkaline Living is the best thing anyone can do to live healthy and happy through the Golden Years! Alkaline Living is both enjoyable and life changing for everyone who follows it. You change your eating habits and still enjoy delicious food. How healthy do you want to be? Are you sick of being sick?
Bio–hacking is the latest scientific discovery and we found the perfect four all natural biohacking products for you, just as we promised! Bran, Uuth, Plos Thermo, and Zlem! Feed your brain, Reverse aging! Plos Thermo, a non dairy addition to your morning coffee is a bonus weight-loss booster! Sleep soundly with no interruptions! Lose weight while you sleep and give that Libido a renewal! Amazing products bring you the Fountain of Youth, Brain Improvements, and other incredible benefits!
Brain Food Protection (Bran): (pronounced Breyn) gives you energy, focus with clarity and acuity! Just fold your snap, put between lips and squeeze serum into your mouth. Hold some under your tongue for a few seconds, then swallow. You never have morning fog with your BRÃN! You are protected from invading forces, plus you have mental energy that time stole from you!
Diet Perks and Tips: You drop the pounds and yourself loves looking back at you from the mirror! Relish the dream goal you see of a slimmer, healthier you. Celebrate your gorgeous, younger-looking body!
EMF Protection is urgent. EMF Dangers (Electromagnetic Forces) are being faced every day by all of us! It now becomes urgent to protect ourselves and our families! Take this seriously! All this technology that is adding comfort and convenience to our living is now on overload!
Healthy Back Tips include working, sleeping, walking and eating. If you follow these simple rules, you will help yourself overcome common back problems.
Plôs™ THERMO is the extra boost for your weight loss! Add this non-dairy French-Vanilla companion to your favorite coffee in the morning. Our non-dairy plôs™ THERMO stops those hankerings to eat when you are not hungry and thereby controls your cravings, promotes good metabolism and gives your metabolism a boost that supports your bones and muscle! Use it as a morning companion after your nighttime zlem. You are going to be amazed at your progress in losing those pounds. Watch your mirror as you start dropping sizes!
Uüth™ is our time-reversing gelée and we refer to it as the “Fountain of Youth”! In your quest to look, live and feel fabulous, do not pass on this proven product. Uüth™ performs its magic on your hair, skin, nails, joints and even your “libido”!! How much younger do you want to feel and look when your wrinkles are gone and your hair is thicker, healthier and luxurious? Your nails are stronger, your joints no longer ache, plus you perform in the bedroom like you are 20 again! If that’s not like the “Fountain of Youth” we all dream of, nothing is!
I had bald patches on my head and my hair was thinning so much my scalp was exposed. For a female, nothing is worse or more embarrassing! Since taking Uuth for over a year my hair has grown thicker, fuller and no more bald spots! I will never be without my Uuth or Breyn. What marvelous products they all are. As you get sexier and sexier, make sure you give all 3 products to your significant other! You’ll never be forgiven if you leave them behind with a wrinkled prune face, a balding head and still wearing an extra-large! If you do, just runaway because life as you knew it is over!
Zlēm® is a nightttime serum to give you sound sleep, optimize body composition and lose weight while you sleep! Biohacking is a science breakthrough that causes your brain to do for your body, what it was born to do! Your first few nights of zlēm® detoxes your body and readies it for biohacking to begin. Then, your body responds in your sleep as if it were exercising and starts melting your fat away! How cool is that? Getting thinner, more beautiful and sexy in your sleep sounds like a fairy tale fantasy! Not so! Our Founder went down several sizes, lost 50 pounds and looks amazing from Zlem and Plos! These products are very real and working for thousands around the Globe daily. We continually receive testimonials attesting to the wonders of these products! Try them for yourself and see the miracles!
Red Wine Is Alkaline and Heart Healthy
Our naturally aged Red wine is Alkaline and Heart Healthy without a doubt! No artificial chemicals or sulfates are added in processing. Natural sulfates are good for the body. However, artificial sulfates in Mass-Produced Wines are what produce headaches! Delicious and savory red wine is so good and heart-healthy that I believe our lack of it for so long caused a rise in heart conditions here. Other countries that kept Real Fine Wine, that is properly aged without chemicals as part of their meals have a much lower risk of heart attacks and heart problems unlike here where those health issues are rampant.