Power of Our Minds
Positive Thinking Power has a definite chemical effect on our cells, according to researchers! Capturing the power of our minds improves our overall well-being!
According to Norman Vincent Peale, “We can change our lives and the world with Mind Power.” In his book, “The Power of Positive Thinking,” he inspired many people with his booklets to change their lives! I loved his booklets and I was a subscriber for many years.
Churchill was one of the best speakers of the 20th century. One of his famous historic speeches was in 1940. He rallied a nation with his optimistic words. He whispered to a colleague after his about the Gestapo, “And we’ll fight them with the butt ends of broken beer bottles because that’s bloody well all we’ve got!” One of Winston Churchill’s famous quotes was “The Positive Thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible and achieves the impossible”. Churchill was a decent and honorable man. He became Prime Minister because of his defiance and charm. Courtesy of Wikipedia
You affect people around you by your attitude! When you think that what you do is a success, you will be a success! Our thoughts are transmit from our minds to every cell in our body. Self-defeating images of ourselves plus negative tendencies influence all our interactions with other people. If you think you are a failure, you fail! If you think you are successful, you succeed!
Our Minds Control Our Bodies
Our minds control our bodies! Then our bodies respond to the way we think! Negative thoughts cause our bodies to respond negatively. That is how powerful our minds are. Positive thinking causes positive reactions in our bodies! People sabotage themselves albeit, unconsciously and doom themselves to failure!
Laughing and smiling reduce stress and blood pressure! A belly laugh has proven to be a major help for both! It is a medical fact that we release the stress hormone, cortisol, and toxins whenever we stress and that causes many physical problems! Digestive problems, high blood pressure, inflammation, depression are some of the many problems. Our stress systems accelerate and create havoc with our heart and arteries!
Proven Health Benefits
According to the Mayo Clinic, positive thinking causes many health benefits: Protection from the common cold as well as Physical and Physiological well-being. There is less depression; Cardiovascular health increases along with good coping skills, lower stress and Increased Life Span. These are the best reasons to think positive thoughts! Certainly, it motivates us to make it a habit to change all our negative thoughts to positive! To overcome negativity, make consistent efforts. You can do it! Change ourselves and we change our world into a pleasant place us all!
One of the most self-helping and positive persons in my life was my husband, Carl. He had many traumatic experiences because of lifelong health issues. A car accident at the age of 5 caused a chronic bone disease that he dealt with throughout his life. His doctors did not believe he could reach his 40th birthday. He spent three years in a children’s hospital in Elizabethtown where he had many surgeries – often experimental! His body endured so much trauma that his doctors sent him home to die. They were dead wrong! Carl’s positive mind and determination is why he lived a fairly normal life. Later on, new doctors and new methods meant more surgeries, but now tried, true and working!
Carl was an inspiration to all in our town who knew him. He invented self-help and knew he was superman, so nothing was impossible. Our six children learned well from his examples. Everyone who knew him was fascinated with the way he handled himself to do something. Despite disabilities, he tried anything and everything. He usually found a way or made a way to do what he wanted to accomplish. The results of his efforts were not always top-notch, but they sufficed and he went on to being a happy, positive person, husband and Dad! Impossible was not in his vocabulary! He magically kept people smiling! We had a very happy marriage for 56 years before he got his wings at age 80! Memories of Carl are all happy and positive!
Change takes practice, but worth our efforts! For the next 24 hours, intersect your thoughts with a positive message to yourself. Then commit to teaching yourself positivity in all you do! You will not only change your life for the better but your health is better too! You actually will be changing the lives of all those around you every single day!