Welcome to All Things Software and Services. Today’s Technology is so far ahead than just a few years ago and it keeps evolving. We are using more and more technology in our daily lives and businesses. We can do almost everything with our phones today. Shopping, Banking, Paying our Bills, Working from Home are just a bird’s eye view of how we use technology. It only takes minutes to do practically anything we want to do. Texting is the new way to keep in touch with friends, family and Employers.
We can grocery shop online and then pick up our order. No more hours shopping for our food. With our phones we get to do more and more every day. What took hours of research in years past, we do on our phones in minutes. We have software apps for everything we want to do. One amazing app is below. It takes only 3 minutes to download the software and start mining Bitcoin at no cost. Check it out and start earning your Bitcoin. It will work 24/7 as long as your computer is on. It mines even when you are using your computer. How great is that?
FREE BITCOIN: The Bitcoin Craze goes on and now you have a chance to mine FREE Bitcoin from your computer. It only takes you 3 minutes to download the app. Then click on “Smart Miner” and you are ready to mine your Bitcoin. This does not cost you anything but you mine Bitcoin for FREE. Your computer now becomes a money machine. Let it mine while you use your computer for other things. Let it mine while you sleep. The more valuable Bitcoin is, the more you earn and it can be a nice tidy sum. You can do this on as many as five computers at a time which means you are earning 5x as much. It’s free so why not? Start piling up your Bitcoin today! Get your details HERE.
Medical Devices on the Blockchain: Our medical devices work on the Blockchain. The Blockchain keeps our health information totally secure from everyone. Unlike other medical devices that send your info to whomever wants it for their purposes. When your information is shared, companies can use it and even sell it. You never know when it can be used against you. Employers are notorious for using as an excuse to let employees go. With our medical devices, that can never happen because your employer, nor anyone has access to any of it. The Blockchain is totally secure and cannot be hacked. Learn more about the Blockchain HERE.
Best of all, it is the only Medical Device that is State of the Art Technology with the power of the Blockchain’s impenetrable security! This is the only Device on the market that offers you so much in benefits and combines Smartphone Apps and cryptocurrency gains. Everyone over 25 years needs this. This Device is the solution to the Medical needs of the whole World. Your Details are Here.
Old Innovationswere the groundwork for the progress in technology for six decades. I find it incredible when I realize my personal experience in technology is that ancient. My journey began in the early sixties. Personal experience for me began in early 1965. I was hired by my husband’s firm because they were in desperate need of a secretary. The company was growing faster than anticipated. The guys that founded the company suddenly needed a supporting staff. Three secretaries were added and three keypunch operators. Within weeks, all three of us were shifted to keypunching and the company grew at that pace every week for my entire first year. Read the Story HERE!